Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Whole Body Vibration studies - Unearthing The Secrets To Weight Loss

The Whole Body Vibration (WBV) Machine is being termed the ideal equipment for a slimmer, trimmer you! Whole body vibration studies have revealed that post menopausal women develop stronger bones and a slimmer frame when they train with the WBV. Based on the principle of ‘low magnitude’, low speed vibrations the WBV was invented for use by astronauts who had to train in confined environments to prevent the wasting away of their muscles.

Whole body vibration studies recommend the WBV for steady weight loss, toning of muscles and for effective trimming and slimming. In ten minutes you can experience the equivalent effects of an hour’s work out in a gymnasium and this with higher testosterone levels.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Vibration Machine and Its Advantages

Obesity is a serious concern in today’s world. There are millions worldwide whose normal day-to-day living is disrupted by excessive accumulation of. Exercising and dieting are two effective ways to lose weight if done properly and under a trained guidance. Vibration machine exercise is becoming the best option to reduce weight and without any serious side-effects.

Why to buy effective vibration machine?

Even doctors have proved that vibration can reduce weight from the body. It does not make your body to sweat and tightens skins and tones as well. In addition, getting regular vibration can increase the body’s strength within weeks of its usage. Vibration machines can increase the body’s serotonin levels that lift your mood and energy levels. It means you can do any work more effectively with improved energy levels. People suffering from severe joint pain can get immediate relief from using regular vibration machine. Also, vibration machine can make you flexible and balance.