Sunday, October 11, 2009

Vibration Exercise Machine for Whole Body Exercise

Vibration exercise machines are the results of years of research in the healthcare sector. Highly beneficial for the entire body, vibration machines can give you complete body exercise just in 10 minutes workout program. Just using the vibration machine 3-4 times a week, you can ensure complete fitness. These vibration machines were initially used for vibration training programs for athletes and sports personalities. Thanks to the health and technical professionals for their collaborative effort to design and develop vibration machines for home use.

A vibration exercise machine can be used for different levels of vibration training. Whether you are a beginner or you are at the expert level, the machine is just too perfect for all levels. Easy to use, easy to move and easy to install, make a vibration machine your perfect fitness friend. Use it well and see how life fitness level changes thus brining stamina and confidence in you.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Buying Vibration Fitness Equipment Online can Save Thousands of Dollars for You

Getting into the shape and feel physically and mentally fit is now possible in just few minutes of exercise program. Thanks to the vibration exercise machines that those offer you revolutionary fitness training program in just 10 to 15 minutes. All you need to do is to use a vibration fitness equipment of good make 3-4 days in a week to tone your muscles.

A vibration exercise machine can be purchased from a fitness equipment store down the city. It‘s also available on the web at discounted rates. There are several online vibration machine sellers who have the best brands on display and they keep on offering good bargains on the products from time to time. Therefore, online purchasing of vibration machines has got much popularity these days. Many online stores also offer free shipment of the products. So, what’s the wait for? Go ahead towards ensuring fitness for you and for your family.

Also for more information on vibration training visit us at

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Fitness Equipments – Right Choice for your Body

Choosing the right fitness equipment for you depends on how you want to workout and where you want to loose your weight. There are many kinds of fitness equipments that work out your whole body while some are available to work on all specific parts of your body. Only if you choose wisely, your exercise equipment will provide years of healthy workouts.

When you buy fitness equipment make sure it fulfills all your need and also fits into your budget. Many options of discount fitness equipment are available in the market. You only have to pick and chose from the available options, the fitness equipment that best suits your requirement.

One must not buy substandard fitness equipments just because they are cheap, instead look for discount fitness equipment which will come in your budget. So stop thinking and buy yourself fitness equipment which will help you get a perfect shape.

Also for more information on vibration training visit us at

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Body Vibration Machines to Stay in Shape

Everyone seems to be bitten by the fitness bug these days and rightly so. After all, the pressures of an increasingly beauty-conscious society are impacting people. Staying in shape isn’t that tough. All you need to do is invest a few minutes of your precious day on regular exercise. For this, adequate fitness equipment is required.

Mechanical equipment for body building has been around for a long time. Recent entrants in this field are vibration exercise machines . These machines use low magnitude and low speed vibrations, which are gentle in nature and strengthen muscles. These machines are all the rage in the fitness market these days.

Vibration machines are good for your overall wellbeing and positive health and you can acquire optimum health by working on them just three times a week, for about 15 minutes a day each. Whether you want to shed that unwanted flab, want to regain your lost stamina or simply want to feel good, vibration exercise machines are the answer for you.

Also for more information on vibration training visit us at

Monday, September 21, 2009

Vibration Exercise Fitness Machines: Affording Health Benefits with Zero Effort

Of the many fitness equipments you may have in gyms and fitness centers, the latest entry is the vibration exercise fitness machine. This fitness equipment is also the latest craze among weight loss enthusiasts and athletes. It is yet another addition to the range of latest equipments that require little or zero effort on part of the users.

Vibration exercise machines work by vibrating your body and thereby making your muscle to contract. This results in stretching the tendons ensuing better blood circulation and oxygenation. Long-term usage of this machine also gives you several benefits including improved bone density and strength, lower stress level, and improved posture, motion, and coordination. In athletes, this machine helps to improve their flexibility, balance, and reaction time. Its user just have step on the machine and no further effort is required from his side. It also requires shorter exercise time and consumes little space.

Also for more information on vibration training visit us at

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Getting the Maximum from Used Fitness Equipments

Who don’t want to have that perfect shape ensuring a zero-flab physique? Every heart longs for a perfect ten out of ten body that not only looks stunning, but also helps you feel energetic. And interestingly, it’s achievable now without much hard work – it just needs smart work and complete dedication. Buying good fitness equipment and utilizing it to the max following a daily exercise routine can help you more than you ever thought. You can buy a fitness machine from any of the several online fitness equipment selling sites. Most of these sites offer attractive deals at discounted rates in addition to selling used fitness equipments at attractive rates.

Be it for strength training or gaining muscle mass, with any of the ergonomically designed fitness machines, you can get the desired result in minimum of workout. By virtue of the cost benefit that they offer, you would be able to enjoy a healthy living minus burning a hole in the pocket.

Also for more information on vibration training visit us at

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Vibration Exercise Machines: Keeping You Fit

There are many fitness equipments in the market. But one fitness equipment that helps you do everything including toning muscles, improving bone density and strength, and lowers stress is vibration exercise machine. More people are now relying on these machines to keep their body fit and free from any general illness.

The vibration exercise machines create a vibration that makes the muscle to contract. When the muscle contracts, the tendons are stretched thereby increasing blood circulation and improving blood oxygenation. The vibration is felt all over the body, so all muscle parts are exercised. No effort is required on part of the person who merely has to get onto a platform. In the long-term, these machines help you in increasing range of motion, posture, coordination, bone density, and even decreasing the level of stress hormone in the body.

Also for more information on vibration training visit us at

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Online Fitness Equipments- For Your Health

A fitness equipment can help you get rid of unwanted fat and regain muscular strength – arguably faster than any of the available exercise equipment alternatives. It also increases your cardiovascular endurance and other vital functioning of your body. It helps in better weight management and reduction of stress. Over all, fitness equipments help in the complete well being of an individual.

Thanks to the growing reach of internet, now, to buy fitness equipments you wont even require to move from your chair. You can get the best deals and options of comparison sitting at the comfort of your home. You can choose the desired fitness equipment for yourself and close the deal in a matter of minutes. The product will be delivered at your doorsteps without any hassle.
Choosing the best weights for the strength training can be a little tricky as a lot of options are available in the market. So one must explore all the available options and choose wisely.

Also to find more information on vibration training exercise visit us online at

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Improving Your Health with Vibration Machine

While people are increasingly becoming health-conscious, a flood of health equipments is perfectly attending to their needs. People are trying every possible means to get into a decent shape and equipments like vibration machines have successfully meeting their needs in an effective way.

As the name implies, a vibration machine comes with vibrating plates and it’s meant for whole body exercise. You just need to adjust the vibration level and stand on the machine or sit on it as per your targeted areas.

Earlier used by the athletes and other sports personalities for intensive muscle training, vibration machines are come as easy and effective means of getting into a nice shape with only a few minutes of workout.

There are a number of websites that deal in such equipments. You can buy fitness equipment online from one of such site that come with a credible record of accomplishment of selling fitness equipments.

Select a Vibration machines that comes with vibration workout guide for you. Choose from the options and get on!

Monday, August 31, 2009

Exercise with the right fitness equipment for light body and light cost

Fighting a busy and hectic life, many of us skip on exercising regularly. This in turn has an adverse effect on your physical fitness, especially as the age catches on. So, better gauge your requirements from fitness equipment and start your search for something suitable.

- Single equipment should be sufficient to exercise the whole body
- The duration of exercise should not be more than 15 minutes
- The regime must be flexible and preferably not on daily basis.

Start looking for some discount fitness equipment to keep you fit.
As you would search, you may come across a type of exercising equipment called “The body vibration” equipment. This machine vibrates the whole of your body and helps you stay fit in totality. You need to spend just 10 minutes on the machine alternate day of the week. You can easily gain attractive discount on the fitness equipment if you purchase it under a running sale scheme or during the festive season.

For Information on Vibration Workout Guide visit us at

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Fitness Equipments – a brief on treadmill and Elliptical Machines

Are you looking for the fitness equipment that would help you in shaping up your body overall instead of just toning up certain areas? Well, then you need to opt for such fitness equipment which tones and shapes up your body to the perfect.

Take the example of treadmill, stationary bikes, etc which help you in getting a complete body workout. It is important to elaborate about them to make it easier to choose the right fitness equipment.

Treadmill: Treadmills are universally popular when it comes to complete cardio workout. Treadmills can be used to fuel fast walks as well as to simulate intense jogs. Apart from this, treadmills are equipped with varying speeds so you can easily set the speed according to your requirement.

Elliptical Machines: Elliptical machines are good fitness equipments when it comes to complete workout. These require you to move your entire body while working out. A number of elliptical machines are tilted at different angles and are equipped with varied resistance arrangements for making the work out extremely intense.

For Information on Vibration Workout Guide visit us at

Monday, August 24, 2009

Buy Fitness Equipment - Various Methods of Home Fitness Workouts

The kind of workout you are planning to get, would probably decide on the kind of fitness equipment you are going to buy. For this you need to consider a number of things while buying the most suitable kind of fitness equipment for yourself.

Firstly, before opting for fitness equipment , like it has been said earlier, you need to consider what sort of workout you are interested in. This is important because different fitness equipments are meant for different workouts like a treadmill is meant for an aerobic exercise whereas a dumbbell is meant for toning up your muscles. So, one has to decide accordingly.

The second consideration to come on your list would be of the amount your budget is permitting you to spend for buying the fitness equipment. Make up your mind on the amount you can spend on the fitness equipment and then proceed for its purchase.

Last but not the least, look for those fitness equipment companies that offer you money-back guarantee or say a trial period. Going for the fitness equipment that offers you a trial period would leave you in a better position to decide whether you should buy the equipment or not as you would now be aware that how much you would be benefited with it since you have already tried working out on that.

For Information on Vibration Workout Guide visit us at

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Buy Fitness Equipment and save more than just your money!

Many are of the assumption that buying fitness equipment is wastage of money, as the same can be availed by hitting a gym! But, it’s not entirely true. The gym won’t let you use it as per your schedule. Besides, what about the invaluable privacy that you and your family get while doing your workout at home? So, let not those prying eyes fall on your partner and yet, let your partner loose pounds!

The availability of fitness equipments in discount should push you further into buying it. Discount fitness equipments may some times be a fake or might not be of the standard designs meant for the body tone, but not all of them are so. Check out the authenticity of the store and then hunt for the right equipment, before investing your money on it. Discussion forums, health websites, internet reviews will help you on this regard.

Also to find more information on vibration training exercise visit us online at

Monday, August 17, 2009

I Am Healthy, I Am Good

I am not one of those fitness freaks who just cannot afford to miss out on their gym session – not even for a day. But, I do care a lot about health. So, I eat well. If it’s not a balanced diet, I do make sure that I am not eating oily stuff. And, I have got my own Fitness Equipment in the form of a treadmill. Yes, this is where I sweat it out. Interestingly, those fifteen or thirty minutes, when I run on that treadmill make me forget about all my worries and I feel truly confident as the air fills up my lungs to the fullest.

We all should spare some of our time to indulge in any sort of physical activity. Remember, it does not matter, whether you have those muscles to flaunt, as only thing that really matters is that how fit you are. And, most important is that how you feel about yourself. You can also get a discount fitness equipment after doing an online research.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Buy Fitness Equipment- The Pros of having them at Home

Before going for the purchase of any kind of fitness equipment it is important that you decide to opt either for home fitness equipments or used fitness equipments.

A number of people prefer to buy fitness equipments that are cheaper and average in functionality. Such people start on exercising with those equipments and then slowly they buy advanced fitness equipments. Visiting a multi gym is good for ideal body-building but making a multi gym at home for the fitness freaks is always the best idea. For this the easiest way of developing a multi gym at home is beginning with dumb bells and bar bells at first. You can later on update yourself with a stationary bicycle or a treadmill at home.

Hence, if you wish to adhere to an effective health routine, there is hardly any scarcity of fitness equipments about you. All you need to do is being aware of what is going on around you and keep a constant track for the buy of the most ideal kind of fitness equipments.

Also to find more information on vibration training exercise visit us online at

Monday, August 3, 2009

Do you Desire for a Toned up Body?

Are you the kind of person who is constantly trying to balance his stressful and hectic life with a healthy one? Life has become to busy for a person to squeeze out a little time for exercise and relaxation .You are worried about those extra calories but sometimes feel helpless as neither you have the time to hit the gym nor the required energy after a day long hectic schedule.

Such people can have a sigh of relief as the market has a variety of fitness equipments for them. The fitness equipment can be used at homes thus one can save time and workout in his own comfort zone. Discount fitness equipment is the best available option for people who do not want to join a health club. Assortment of the discount fitness equipment should be strictly according to ones need and budget.

Thus one can start his workout at once and get a desired toned up body which every one can admire.

Also to find more information on vibration training exercisevisit us online at

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

How to Save Money on Buying Fitness Equipment

The demand for fitness equipment has been on the rise. But then, going by the prices of health equipments one can’t stop but say that health comes at a price. Very often, customers end up paying a substantial sum as the initial pay up before even embarking on the regimen. Since fitness equipments are expensive, and you can’t buy them often, you must think very carefully before buying. There are an innumerable number of suppliers and manufacturers of home and commercial fitness equipment. Always keep in mind that the price of a new product in negotiable. Never pay sticker price for new equipment. You should always ask for at least 10 percent discount.

It is a good idea to check out online sources to learn barter skills if you have not done barter before. Start doing research the brands and products you want to buy on the Internet. There are plenty of resources on the Internet that rate durability of the fitness products. You may also consider buying in group to avail discount fitness equipment. Finally you may look refurbished and used equipment, because they can cost at least half the price lower than the new one.

Also to find more information on Vibration Training Exercise visit us online at .

Monday, July 27, 2009

What To Look For When Buying a Fitness Equipment?

A healthy and fit body means a more active and an enjoyable lifestyle. There are a number of ways you can opt for physical fitness, like following a proper diet chart, having a check on your calorie intakes, yoga etc. However, investment in fitness equipments is not a bad option either. Though it may be a bit expensive affair but the advantages that you get using these equipments can surely compensate the cost incurred on these.

Some of the dos and don'ts that need to be kept in mind while buying a fitness equipment can be

Specific areas which you want to improve.
For improving the overall fitness, exercise bikes, rowing machines and trampolines are suggested. On the other hand if you want to improve strength and muscle tone dumbbells and weight lifting benches can be a good option.

Have a look into your pocket
The amount of investment involved cannot be overlooked. If you have limited cash then an exercise ball or dumbbells are suitable but there is no need to worry as there are many discount fitness equipments available in the market by various manufacturers at different seasons.

Do consult a doctor.
Consulting your doctor about the safety of a particular equipment you wish to use is a good idea. After all, safety is a part of being healthy.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Discount Fitness Equipment – How to bag the Best Deals

Well, fitness freakiness is in the air and everyone is into it these days – obese people, thin people, modelling aspirants and a whole lot of them. With the pressures at the professional fronts many people are resorting to buying fitness equipment that they need and working out at home to save time. But that’s not all. If you can get hold of discount fitness equipment in good condition, you can save on a lot of money that you would have otherwise shelled out on expensive gyms.

So where can you get the fitness equipment you need at real bargains? The internet, of course. Browse through a string of discount fitness equipment dealers online and compare the prices along with the condition of the equipment to arrive at possible buys. Research well, even if it means spending a lit bit more of your time so you can finally make the most profitable purchase and save some serious hard-earned money.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Spare Some Thoughts For Fitness

One of the greatest human ironies is that – everybody wants to look in a good shape, but nobody has enough time to get it. Many a times, when we compare ourselves with someone having an attractive muscular body, we feel that excruciating urge to look like that. And, we do take some steps like buying a Fitness Equipment, but sadly the fervor dies after a few days and we get back to our comfort zone. That’s how it goes on. We all should understand one thing that regular exercise is not only meant to get that perfect shape, but it also keeps us healthy and vigorous.

If you do not have enough time to hit the gym everyday, then it’s better to get some fitness equipments, which can be easily fitted at home. To find a discount Fitness Equipment, you can do an online search. Most probably, you would get what you want!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Whole Body Vibration Research - What Medical Experts Say About Vibration Therapy

Whole body vibration has been feted for its many advantages over routine exercise regimes. Yet the practice has its skeptics. Does medical opinion support the claims of vibration therapists? Whole body vibration studies have not been conducted on a large scale, so data is hard to come by and it is not easy to draw conclusions. The most authentic information comes from NASA's research, conducted jointly with the State University of New York. Studies conducted on animal subjects proved that bone loss could be prevented for as little as 10 minutes of daily vibration therapy.

One of the few whole body vibration studies to be conducted on human subjects found that the use of vibration platforms helped a young soccer player deal with soft tissue trauma. Word from users of vibration platforms has also been favorable. In any case, it does not hurt to give it a shot - there are no known side effects to vibration therapy.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Tone Your Body Using Fitness Equipments

Being in shape and feeling at the top of physical fitness have been everyone’s prime concern now. That’s the reason most of the people are now heading towards gyms and fitness clubs to shed those extra pounds and get to that coveted shape. Many have also installed a fitness equipment at their home so as to get exactly the same without having to hit the gym. Exercise bikes, exercise mats, treadmills, weight benches, power racks, home gyms are the most popular fitness machines available in the market.

The internet has turned out to a very good platform to buy fitness equipments. There are a number of online fitness stores specializing in fitness equipments of all kinds. Discount fitness equipment can also be purchased from them.

If you are really serious about your body and you also want to stay perfectly fit, then buying a fitness equipment can just do the trick for you.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Vibration Training Studies – Magic for Your Health

In the last couple of years so, the area of vibration training has achieved huge popularity worldwide. A number of vibration health product makers have emerged in the scene brining a wide array of vibration machines that work wonder for one’s overall health. Vibration, being a mechanical stimulus marked by recurring movement back and forth over the same pattern has tremendous health-oriented benefits. Repetition of vibration training sessions using vibrating machines one could ensure a better physical as well as mental health. Therefore, vibration training studies have also become important for one and all.

Vibration platforms are used while training through vibration is provided. Ten minutes of training on vibration platforms can suffice you with same result as almost an hour’s fitness regime usually provides. And the advantage here is that you won’t feel any kind of fatigue or stress while practicing this. Production of key hormones in the body is another plus point of doing these exercises.

Now find infirmation on discount fitness equipment at

Monday, July 6, 2009

Vibration Platforms- Optimizing Your Workout Sessions

In today’s busy life, everyone needs some effective workout solutions for his/her health that can be done consuming less time despite compromising on results. Whole body vibration training can be a very productive way to meet the requirements in this aspect. In a whole body vibration training session, your body goes through different vibration training procedures helping you see better muscular strength, improvement in the stretch reflex cycle, increased hormonal secretion, increased synchronization of motor units, stimulation of GTO (golgi tendon organs) and so on. Therefore, whole body vibration studies have become really important nowadays.

A number of vibration machines can be found in the market at attractive rates. You can also found many of them online. All these machines use vibration platforms which make you vibrate while you continue your exercise using them. In a small vibration session of 10 to 15 minutes you can see terrific results, that too, in a quick period of time. Get a branded vibration machine for you today and take your health to the next fitness level…

For more information on exercise and fitness equipment visit us at

Monday, June 29, 2009

With Discount Fitness Equipment, get in shape at Slimmer Prices

No more dragging you to a health club or gym to get in shape or lose weight. With self-owned fitness equipment, now you can exercise at your own dispense.

Searching for a treadmill online or otherwise, you would come up with a number of discount fitness equipment. However, you need to browse thoroughly and grab your choicest pick for the most reasonable prices. However, you must ask yourself certain questions before you go ahead with buying exercise equipment for home.

- What is the exact purpose of the machine – is it weight loss or figure maintenance?
- Consider your fitness level at hand.
- What is your total budget for the machine?
- What kind of space does the equipment require and do you have enough room at home?
- How much time do you intend to spend on the machine?
Is it of my interest, as well as, is it safe for you?

These are pertinent questions that would allow you to make the right buy.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Fitness Equipment: For a Better State of Health

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle has become the new-age mantra for one and all globally today. People now are getting more and more health conscious visiting the gym or setting up a home gym. There has never been a good time as it’s now for fitness equipment businesses.

If you are looking out for these equipments, first decide the nature of your work out. For weight loss exercises you can go for aerobic fitness equipments such as treadmill, elliptical trainer, exercise bike, rowing machine. For weight gaining exercises, go for muscular weight lifting equipments like dumbbells and weight benches. Some fitness equipment comes with accessories such as heart monitor and BMI indicator.

Look out for discount fitness equipment if you are low on budget. Visit fairs and exhibitions, seasonal and introductory sales for discount fitness equipment. You can also visit the buy and sell portals and get the equipment at cheaper price.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Look for Effectiveness and Versatility in Your Discount Fitness Equipment

Discount fitness equipment is the best alternative for people who want to remain healthy and fit without joining any health club. The main reason behind the popularity of fitness equipment is the hectic work schedule that keeps everyone busy these days. In addition, making a proper workout schedule can be a troublesome activity for many people.

However, exercising is essential to avoid many kinds of deadly diseases and making a healthy lifestyle. Following tips can help you to buy an exercise machine:

A discount exercise equipment needs to be effective enough to challenge all the muscle groups in the body. Usually, the body’s muscle groups are of different sizes and require different amount of strength to perform proper workout. Hence, you cannot use one level of resistance for all your muscles. Choose equipment that works effectively for all your muscle exercises.

Choose exercise equipment that can be adjusted well for all the muscles groups of your body. A good machine helps you to recreate the best exercises that follow proper bio mechanics.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Discount Fitness Equipment- Compare the Sites and Pocket the Best Deal

Maintaining proper health and fitness have become a common practice now. And why it shouldn’t be? A healthy body only can foster a healthy mind – isn’t it? Using fitness equipment is one of the best ways to get and retain a healthy body.

Today, a wide range of fitness equipments have flooded the market making it really easier for you to pick the product that you need. Even discount fitness equipments are also available. The Internet is undoubtedly the best place where you can find all sorts of fitness equipments at heavy discounts. Be it bars, plates, dumbbells, treadmills, stability balls, cardio equipment or fitness accessories, on every product decent discounts can be availed. You just need to browse the sites of online fitness stores for the best rates for a particular discount fitness equipment. Never forget to compare the rates visiting all sites before you purchase anything.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Vibration Exercises: Help You Stimulate Your Body

Vibration exercises are one of the popular and easiest ways to stay in the desired shape. These exercises are becoming an integral part of training centers, sports session, hospitals, and fitness clinics. Even, celebrities around the world are attracted towards vibration exercises to enjoy better body fitness. Vibration exercises are proven and backed by different kinds of whole body vibration studies. They are safe to use and effectively decrease the body fat instantly. The original vibration exercises can be done on machines using vibration plate. These plates affect directly to the body muscles thus showing exceptional results.

Even, vibration exercise studies have proven that vibration exercises can do wonders for wellness and fitness programs. Vibration exercise studies are backed by research and medical studies ensuring its positive effects on the body. These exercises stimulate vibration to the body and strengthen muscles and increase bind density. Such exercises help in proper body circulation, uniform distribution of oxygen, slow aging process, burns fats and lead to muscle flexibility.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Vibration Platforms – Ready To Work Wonders For Your Body

Researches have proved that vibration machines work miraculously in reducing body fats. Physicians have proved that a regular usage of vibration platforms can actually lead to weight loss. It works on a special mechanism whereby a strong, intensive and controllable thrust of vibration works both on localized areas as well as wide body portions.

The vibration impacts the body and causes body fats to dissolve faster. Being the best alternative to time consuming conventional exercising programs, vibration machines also enhances blood regulation in the body and lets you remain energized throughout the day. Vibration platforms also help the body to get immediate relief from muscles soreness.

Obese people can find vibration platforms really useful. They can lose considerable amount of weight and enjoy better fitness in the shortest time period.

If you wish to maintain a great body and fitness, buy effective vibration machine for huge benefit. Serving several options to compare (and even customize), internet comes as the best place to buy quality vibration machines. Vibration platforms are available from well-known manufacturers and are recommended by acclaimed physical trainers of international fame.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Whole Body Vibration studies - Unearthing The Secrets To Weight Loss

The Whole Body Vibration (WBV) Machine is being termed the ideal equipment for a slimmer, trimmer you! Whole body vibration studies have revealed that post menopausal women develop stronger bones and a slimmer frame when they train with the WBV. Based on the principle of ‘low magnitude’, low speed vibrations the WBV was invented for use by astronauts who had to train in confined environments to prevent the wasting away of their muscles.

Whole body vibration studies recommend the WBV for steady weight loss, toning of muscles and for effective trimming and slimming. In ten minutes you can experience the equivalent effects of an hour’s work out in a gymnasium and this with higher testosterone levels.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Vibration Machine and Its Advantages

Obesity is a serious concern in today’s world. There are millions worldwide whose normal day-to-day living is disrupted by excessive accumulation of. Exercising and dieting are two effective ways to lose weight if done properly and under a trained guidance. Vibration machine exercise is becoming the best option to reduce weight and without any serious side-effects.

Why to buy effective vibration machine?

Even doctors have proved that vibration can reduce weight from the body. It does not make your body to sweat and tightens skins and tones as well. In addition, getting regular vibration can increase the body’s strength within weeks of its usage. Vibration machines can increase the body’s serotonin levels that lift your mood and energy levels. It means you can do any work more effectively with improved energy levels. People suffering from severe joint pain can get immediate relief from using regular vibration machine. Also, vibration machine can make you flexible and balance.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Vibration Exercise Equipment

Vibrating exercise machines are the new toys in gymnasiums. Some say, the Russian space program, introducing this equipment for the astronauts, has presented this to the use of larger groups. For astronauts, the requirement was to exercise their bodies without having to make too many movements and prevent muscular degeneration (and osteoporosis) resulting from prolonged exposure to weightlessness and machine vibration. Evidently the vibrating exercise machine appears to have been successful in space; especially so in making astronauts achieve to extraordinary feats while floating in zero gravity environment.

Since the machine has been introduced to the market for all, claims and counterclaims have prevailed.

Claims for the vibrating exercise machines include improvement of muscle tone, strength and suppleness, osteoporosis reversal, reduction of exercise time for similar gains and weight reduction among others. The skeptics declare that high speed vibration results in vision blurring, hearing losses, back pains from damage to cartilage and possible damage to the brain. The fence sitters complain of the inability to read or watch the TV!