Monday, February 23, 2009

Vibration Exercise Equipment

Vibrating exercise machines are the new toys in gymnasiums. Some say, the Russian space program, introducing this equipment for the astronauts, has presented this to the use of larger groups. For astronauts, the requirement was to exercise their bodies without having to make too many movements and prevent muscular degeneration (and osteoporosis) resulting from prolonged exposure to weightlessness and machine vibration. Evidently the vibrating exercise machine appears to have been successful in space; especially so in making astronauts achieve to extraordinary feats while floating in zero gravity environment.

Since the machine has been introduced to the market for all, claims and counterclaims have prevailed.

Claims for the vibrating exercise machines include improvement of muscle tone, strength and suppleness, osteoporosis reversal, reduction of exercise time for similar gains and weight reduction among others. The skeptics declare that high speed vibration results in vision blurring, hearing losses, back pains from damage to cartilage and possible damage to the brain. The fence sitters complain of the inability to read or watch the TV!